Image source: startinfinity.com
Just a friendly share for anyone a little “off” their “get stuff done” rhythm. I just used a “morning scrum” to get my 100 day goals back on track. Here’s what I mean and what a morning scrum is.
I fell off a lot of my routine, esp. my morning routine. I’ve been ignoring my “share what you’re doing” goal and my heath and fitness goal (those are the goals that are a stretch for me and my personally type subconsciously/actively sabotages them). I got back on track with a quick “scrum” this morning.
Scrum is a project management style/tool from my software engineering career and project management career. I thought I’d share it in case it helps anyone else out. Every morning, we gather a team of 2 to 6 people. We stand in a circle. Standing is important. We go around and have each person answer the same 3 questions. The whole meeting should take less than 15 minutes. It gets everyone on the same page, get everyone clear about what they are doing today, gets people working together and helping each other, and gets priorities correct before people spend time working on things.
The 3 questions are:

Anyways, I realized I was off felt like I didn’t have any direction so I just stood up and did a scrum. It made it so clear where I’ve strayed and how to get back on track in less than 15 minutes. I just thought I share incase anyone else is a little off center on their motivation, goals, etc.